For SIS classes, there are three primary terms, and several special terms that are deprecated or will soon be deprecated.
The numeric descriptor in UAConnect is a 4 digit number, starting with “1”, followed by a two-digit year, and ending with the term number (Examples: 2009 = 1093; 2010 = 1103).
- January Intersession (1XX1) [Deprecated]
- Spring Self-Paced Online Courses (SPOC) (1XX2) [Deprecated after Fall 2023]
- Spring (1xx3)
- May Intersession (1XX4) [Deprecated]
- Summer Self-Paced Online Courses (SPOC) (1XX5)[Deprecated after Fall 2023]
- Summer (1xx6)
- August Intersession (1XX7)[Deprecated]
- Fall Self-Paced Online Courses (SPOC) (1XX8)[Deprecated after Fall 2023]
- Fall (1xx9)
Each term may also include some 8 week sessions. Section numbers for on-campus courses are 3 digits, most often beginning with a “0”: 001, 002, 011, etc. Section numbers for online courses are 3 digits, beginning with a “9”: 901, 902, 911, etc.
Operations Management
Some Engineering and Operations Management courses are based on five 8-week terms.
- Fall includes Terms 1 & 2
- Spring includes Terms 3 & 4
- Summer includes Term 5
The section numbering are three digits, beginning with a “9”, followed by the term, and ending with a digit designating the student’s location.
- 91x, 92x, 93x, 94x, 95x, etc
- Note: some sections begin with “1” (these tend to be on-campus course offerings)
Global Campus Courses
Off-campus sections begin with “9”, and follow the same terms as on-campus courses.
Independent Study/Self-Paced (SPOC) Sections begin with “8”:
- 810
- 820
- 830
- 840
- …
Independent Study Terms:
- Numeric designation = (On-Campus Term Number) – 1
- Fall = 1xx8
- Spring = 1xx2
- Summer = 1xx5
The SPOC program will end-of-life after Fall 2023.