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  • Turn off the notifications system
  • Failing that, turn off the What’s New module, and set the notifications expiration very short (10 days)
  • If you have RAM Cache on your F5, use it for /javascript and /images
  • Look into gzip compression either at the F5 or the app layer – whatever is easiest
  • The big thing is to look at your error logs (logs/bb-services-log.txt and in logs/tomcat), and try to work out the root cause.  Your tomcat/bb-access…. logs contain processing time which can be very helpful.
  • Rotate your building block logs (blackboard/content/vi/bb_bb60/plugins/ subdirectories)
  • JVM tuning.  John Calvin at UToronto is my guru on this. Highly recommended consultant.
  • Check out the posts at http://blackboardcodemonkey.wordpress.com/
  • Look at the bb performance guide — there isn’t one for 9.0, but the 9.1 one applies too: https://behind.blackboard.com/s/sysadminas/refcenter/docs/details.Bb?DocumentID=3766&pid=100000&rid=5797&dt=
  • Look at your table sizes.  queued_tasks is an innocuous one that can kill you, but others can be problematic too.
  • Make sure all your foreign keys are indexed.  Fixing that is a big deal.  BB support should have a script for that, but it’s google-able too.
  • We’ve done a lot of different things with hardware and other tuning.  Too many to mention here, but look at any OS or hardware-level energy saving software.  Turn it off.
  • Is the database the problem?  Do you have good data on its performance profile?
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