Case #774434). Prior to Blackboard Learn 9.1 SP1 HF1, any courses migrated from WebCT had file permissions that allowed ALL system users to have full (read/write/remove/manage) permissions. We’re working with some Blackboard supplied scripts to fix this. Once that’s fixed, the “Content” tab group can be re-instated, giving access to the Library/e-Reserves, Course, and Organization files to those users with appropriate permissions. However, one of the new features of Blackboard Learn 9.1 Service Pack 6 (SP6), which is due out any day now is the following: Adaptive Release Rules Work on Content Collection Items
Adaptive Release now works on Content Collection items that are created within a course and accessed through the Content Collection. Instructors (or those users creating course content) are no longer prompted to give Read access to newly created items. Items that are released at a later date will not show up in a search before they are released. Important Note: To ensure that adaptive release rules are functioning correctly, courses created prior to Blackboard Learn Service Pack 6 need to be copied, imported, or restored after upgrading. This process updates all links to content within a course and removes specific read permissions from students. Updating the links provides students with access to all files they had previously been granted access to. Removing specific read permissions prevents students from accessing content that they are not allowed see while honoring adaptive release rules.In testing, here are my observations:
- Pre-SP6: Once a file is added into a course, that file is available to course students via the “Course” tab, EVEN IF IT IS NOT AVAILABLE IN THE COURSE OR AN ADAPTIVE RELEASE HAS BEEN SET. So, if you post a test solution, and hide it, the students can still see it if the “Content” tab is available.
- SP6: An instructor adds a new file from their computer to a course’s content area, that file is not visible in the “Content” tab by a course student unless the instructor specifies the permission via the “Content Collection” menu.
- SP6: Any files that an instructor previously added are visible in the “Content” tab to the students.
- SP: In a course created prior to SP6, if an instructor disables “Permit Users to View this Content”, the file is still visible in the “Content” tab by the students, EVEN IF IT IS NOT AVAILABLE IN THE COURSE.
- SP6: The same holds true if an instructor restricts a file based on data or other adaptive release criteria.
- SP6: If a course is copied, restored, or imported into SP6, the permissions are updated for the files in the “Content” tab so that the “correct” permissions and availability are applied. This means that any existing course will have the “wrong” permissions until it’s been copied, or archived and restored.
- We want the “Content” tab available so that students can access the Library/e-Reserves content.
- SP6 won’t be installed until the week of August 15, 2011.
- Fall classes will be created prior to then, so they will have the “wrong” permissions.
- We may have to keep the “Content” tab hidden until the Spring semester, when those courses will have the “correct” permissions.
- At that time, prior-term classes will not be available to students, new courses will be copied and have the correct permissions applied, and the only courses that will still have problems are Continuous courses (like the Global Campus Independent Study courses).