senior walk

An Instructor at our Institution used DirectSubmit to verify the validity of his students’ submissions, one student’s paper generated a 100% match. Within the SafeAssign report, under the “Suspected Sources” section, it refers to the match being “Another student’s paper”. There does not appear to be a way to click on a link to the other student’s source paper to see details (e.g.: whose paper it matched from the Global Reference Database). I have previously seen reports in which certain blocks of text matched other resources (e.g.: a page on Wikipedia) in which case DirectSubmit provided a link to the matching resource. Can anyone advise as to how to view the referenced source matching paper? Martin Hoffman: We had an identical situation here last year.  As far as I know, based on several weeks of back-and-forth with Support, there is no way to track down that “other student’s paper.”   The bottom line seems to be that the message you are seeing, with no detail about the matching document, happens when a 100% identical paper was submitted to Safe Assign at some point, then deleted then the paper was submitted again. Here is a quote from Support: “I apologize for the delay on this case.  I have done more research on the ‘Another User’s Paper’ message without any detail following it.   This will occur when a paper has been submitted but then deleted.  Unfortunately, how we currently handle deletions is to remove any detail with that previous submission.  A ticket has already been sent to our Development team to request to keep the detail after a submission is removed.  It is marked as Future Reference to be added to a future release of SafeAssign.” Based on this information, one of the things you might want to try to rule out, however, is that the instructor didn’t submit the same student’s paper twice.  It is quite believable that a busy faculty member might submit a paper, delete it and submit it again, which could potentially result in a 100% match where 0% plagiarism actually occurred…but that’s only one of many possibilities, unfortunately.]]>