chemicals in bottles The My Organizations Plus module provides access to organization sites as well as the added ability for leaders to manage organization enrollments. Users with the role of “leader” in an organization will be able to add users, batch add users, remove users, and batch remove users. NOTE: This gets around the issue of not having the ability for Organization Leaders to edit enrollments because the course enrollment feature has been turned off for instructors. This system extension can be used to replace the existing My Organization module as the enrollment option will only be available to organization leaders. Documentation for leaders is contained within the Edit Users feature. Depending on the version of Blackboard Learning System you are using, you cannot search for users if you are not the system administrator. You can simply add users by entering multiple user names separated by commas. It is smart enough to determine when the “Search Users” feature works so it will only be displayed to those version and users that can use it. This Building Block now works with Blackboard 9.1. It has not been installed yet.]]>