Blackboard SP5 page with PDF (works on Mac): <h2>Content</h2> <EMBED SCALE=”tofit” NAME=”PDFEmbed” alt=”” HEIGHT=”1200px” SRC=”/bbcswebdav/xid-1706_1″ TYPE=”application/pdf” CONTROLLER=”true” WIDTH=”100%” ></EMBED> </div> Blackboard SP6 page with PDF (requests non-existent plugin on Mac) <div id=”containerdiv”> <h2>Content</h2> <script type=”text/javascript”> function setEmbedHeightOnLoad() { if ($(‘PDFEmbedID’)){ $(‘PDFEmbedID’).height = document.viewport.getHeight(); } } </script> <EMBED SCALE=”tofit” NAME=”PDFEmbed” alt=”” HEIGHT=”100%” ID=”PDFEmbedID” SRC=”/bbcswebdav/pid-647023-dt-content-rid-3695655_1/xid-3695655_1″ TYPE=”application/pdf” CONTROLLER=”true” WIDTH=”100%” ></EMBED> </div> So I’m guessing that new javascript is what’s causing the issues in Mac Firefox and Safari. Chrome has a built-in PDF viewer, which correctly displays the embedded PDF files. My recommended solution is the Schubert IT PDF plugin (from, which fixes the problem in Safari and Firefox. It’s free for educational use. ]]>