chemicals in bottles by Szymon Machajewsk. Count all users in BB users:

find /usr/local/blackboard/content/vi/bb_bb60/sessions -name session | wc -l
Count connections to a specific app server:
netstat -np 2>/dev/null |egrep "(443|80)" | wc -l
The second command you have to run on each app server to see how many connections are made. One user can produce many connections. This shows how busy the server is.  The first command you can run on a single app server. The dir content is NFS shared so you will get a total for the entire system. Database commands: You can download sqldeveloper from Oracle to access the database in a GUI ( ) Count all sessions:
select count(*) from sessions;
View all user session on the system for a user:
select a.*, b.* from sessions a left join session_inds b on
a.session_id = b.sesn_session_id where user_id = 'guest';
See a historical report of how many users per month were on your system (this may take a while!):
select count(distinct user_pk1), to_char(timestamp,'Mon-yyyy') as "Date"
from activity_accumulator group by to_char(timestamp,'Mon-yyyy') order by "Date"
How many sessions:
select count(distinct session_id), to_char(timestamp,'Mon-yyyy') as "Date"
from activity_accumulator group by to_char(timestamp,'Mon-yyyy') order by "Date"